About Me

My name is Micah Cerasani. I hail from Western New York and have been undergoing the exciting transition from a career as a German teacher to becoming a highly skilled network engineer. With a passion for technology, a dedication to achieving results, and self-motivation, I hope to make a mark in the world of networking.
Born and raised just outside of Buffalo, I initially found my calling as an educator, where I dedicated myself to instilling knowledge and empowering students. I pushed my students far beyond the subject matter of the course title and well into the digital realm, supporting students as they implemented technology to meet and exceeded learning objectives in German.
My relentless pursuit of excellence, coupled with a natural inclination towards self-motivation, fueled the desire to explore the complexities of network engineering. It also helped having an older brother who introduced the exciting world
of virtual machines at the beginning of my teaching career. With a tenacity and insatiable thirst for knowledge to propel my journey forward, I aim to combine the love for technology and honed skills as an educator to develop material for those getting started in network engineering and really all things IT. I hope this site helps.

CCNA was one of my proudest moments as a training network engineer. It was a major milestone and the first moment of a sense of confidence that I can do this.

I am qualified. Certifying as a Juniper Network associate was a proud moment. I love the freeBSD Juniper devices are based in and the focus on automation present in every Juniper design element.

I am a security professional. Nothing works without the network, but if it's connected, it must be protected. The CompTIA Security+ sets a baseline for securing your connected world. This certification highlights security-first mindset.

After setting up and using 3CX as my personal PBX leveraging AWS (Amazon Web Services) cloud computing, I decided to take the test and was thrilled to have passed with flying colors.
About the Site
More than Network Solutions is an independent publication launched in January 2022 by Micah Cerasani. If you subscribe today, you'll get full access to the website as well as email newsletters about new content when it's available. Your subscription makes this site possible, and allows More than Network Solutions to continue to exist. Thank you!
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