Hello (again) world

Hello (again) world
Photo by Samuel Regan-Asante / Unsplash

Maybe you’ve noticed our site went down a few days ago  and has been intermittently back online and then gone  without explanation  or warning. And all of our content is missing.  We  haven’t been hacked by Russian cyberattackers (that we know of); the  site went  offline when a  junior technician fell asleep with his face on the keyboard and accidentally hit the button to initiate a self-destruct mechanism.  

We have long wondered why we even have than button. This last episode was the reason our more senior techs have been hard at work tuning up the back-end code to get rid of that button (and the intern) once and for all. We would also like to take this opportunity to welcome any site members back for free so long as those members had a valid subscription before the meltdown and rebuilding process. As all payments have been securely processed by a third party, there was no way hitting the kill switch could wipe those financial records. If you are one of the effected users, your account will be restored as the site comes back online fully. Please contact support if your account isn’t reactivated for some reason.

Keep an eye on this space for more.