Ready, Set, Test!

Ready, Set, Test!
Photo by Unseen Studio / Unsplash

Getting ready for the upcoming exam, I realize this will be much more than just a prayer and crossed fingers in the hopes of passing. The Juniper JNCIA-JUNOS exam is rumored to be much easier than the Cisco CCNA exam, but I won't let that notion lull me into a false sense of security. I will be honest, the fact that I passed the CCNA exam on my first attempt was nothing short of a miracle, and now the Juniper exam has me feeling a bit concerned.

Unfortunately, my preparation for the Juniper exam was cut shorter than I would have liked. Life's unexpected challenges and other commitments took up more time than I anticipated, leaving me with limited hours to study. As a result, the practice tests I have recently taken haven't gone as well as I had hoped. It's disheartening to see my scores fall short of my expectations, but I refuse to let discouragement get the better of me.

There is no way to reschedule the test at this point, so all I can do is make the most of the time I have left and focus on the areas where I feel less confident. I will go through the study materials and reinforce my understanding of the topics that are likely to be covered in the exam. One thing I really need to revisit is “default per protocol routing behavior” as CCNA focused heavily on OSPF, while JNCIA incorporates route redistribution and draws heavily on knowledge of multiple routing protocols. It may be a lot to handle—maybe even a drink from the firehose, but I can’t give up without a fight.

It's important to remember that exams don't define us. They are a measure of our knowledge and skills at a particular point in time, but they don't encompass our entire worth. Whether I pass or not, I know that I have put in my best effort given the circumstances. I have learned valuable lessons throughout this journey, and that in itself is a victory.

As I sit here, the afternoon before the exam, a mix of nerves and determination floods through me. I remind myself that I am capable. I have overcome challenges before, and I will do it again. With a cleared mind, I take a deep breath and envision success.

Tomorrow, when I enter the exam virtual room, I will give it my all. I will approach each question with focused mind, carefully reading the options and selecting the best answer. I will trust my knowledge and the efforts I have made to prepare for this moment. Even if the questions seem tricky or unfamiliar, I will try to remain calm and use critical thinking skills to navigate through them. A lot of time, it is easy trip up over what the question is really asking and the differences between the multiple choice answers; a careful, concerted, calm reading is necessary.

When the time comes to click the final "Submit" button, I will feel a mix of relief and anticipation. Whatever the outcome may be, I will know that I gave it everything I had. Passing would be a fantastic achievement, affirming my dedication and hard work. However, even if I don't, I will accept it as a stepping stone in my learning journey and an opportunity to grow.

In the end, it's not just about passing an exam; it's about the knowledge and skills I have gained along the way. Exams may come and go, but my commitment to learning and self-improvement will endure. So, here's to tomorrow, to facing challenges head-on, and to embracing the journey, no matter where it may lead. I’ll report back with updates either way, so keep your eyes on this space.